ro-This year is about making self-care a priority


Author: Veronica Negru

Self-care means taking care of your physical, mental and emotional health so that

  • you can be healthy and well,
  • you can help and care for others,
  • you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish.

2022s` resolutions may be different than before and the past two years taught us that it`s not to take our health for granted.

This year pick up the right resolution and stick to it. This year the priority is YOU!

Here is a list I challenge you to write down and start checking off

  • Get enough sleep. I suggest installing an app to help you monitor your sleeping hours.
  • Eat healthier. The nutrients vegetables and fruits are packed with help you maintain a healthy weight by keeping you full longer.
  • Exercise daily. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.
  • Say NO. I know it`s hard, but you have to avoid burnout, anxiety and irritability.
  • Take a self-care break outside. Yes, enjoy nature and discover things that make you happy, for example, gardening, walking in the park or on streets with nice buildings admiring their architecture.
  • Cook, for your beloved ones or some kids in an orphanage or for old people.
  • Read a book. Read as many books as you can. It`s good for your brain 😉.
  • Schedule your self-care time.

You cannot control everything in your life, but you can control how well you take care of yourself.

How many will you check off through this year? 😊

It's easier to focus on what we don't have, rather than on what we do have. How often do you take time and remember all the things you should be grateful for and all the people to who you forgot to say Thank You?